September 24, 2004

Will there be a Draft?

I’m trying to understand where the idea comes from that Bush will re-establish the draft when he is re-elected. In an effort to find out how this thought comes about I sent the following letter to a friend that believes Bush will re-establish the draft.

I'm trying to understand the rationale behind the idea that Bush will re-institute the draft, when he's re-elected. Perhaps you can clue me in.

How does one come to make the conclusion that Bush will re-institute the draft, when he's re-elected? This is no attempt to dissuade anyone only to understand.


Fortunately I received a rational response:

Dear Ted,

You must go back to 1965 when Johnson upped the war after he was elected.

I expect Bush to ratchet up the war and to go into Syria and Iran. He is planning a major offensive in Iraq if he is re-elected.

At least I’m making some progress. Here’s how I break this down.

If we plan to invade Syria and Iran we will need more troops.

Recruitment efforts will be inadequate to provide troops sufficient to successfully invade Syria and Iran.

We will need to institute the draft to have sufficient troops to invade Syria and Iran.

Now we can piggyback the previous argument with my friend’s premise.

We will need to institute the draft to have sufficient troops to invade Syria and Iran.

Bush plans on invading Syria and Iraq.

Bush will institute the draft

Now I need to get him to tell me what makes him predict that Bush will invade Syria and Iran.

Posted by Ted at September 24, 2004 9:47 PM