September 26, 2004

Bush Volunteered for Vietnam

I know the Bush haters won't believe it, but here it is.

Morrisey says in the six years the President served he never failed to meet participation point requirements.

"Bush averaged 176 per year. In no year did he have less that 50," says Morrisey. "He was rated by his commander, Col. Maurice Udell in the top 5 of his pilots."

One of the criticisms leveled at the President is that he sought guard service to keep him from serving in Vietnam.

Morrisey says, "not so."

"The Air Force, in their ultimate wisdom, assembled a group of 102's and took them to Southeast Asia. Bush volunteered to go. But he needed to have 500 [flight] hours, but he only had just over 300 hours so he wasn't eligible to go,” Morrisey recalls.

Despite that, Lieutenant Bush stayed busy.

"He flew in active air defense missions, training missions. Day, night, regardless of inclement weather," Morrisey says.

From WVLT-TV and Newsweek.

I think it makes a lot of sense that Bush has never mentioned this. I think he likes to sandbag his opponents.

Posted by Ted at September 26, 2004 9:13 PM