September 27, 2004

A Marine writes from Iraq

And we'd best be keeping him and his compadres away from John Kerry for awhile! They are not real fond of him right now considering he threw them under the bus and they spent their last week fighting like hell because, and I quote, "The a**hole has let these %^&$* believe they can win and we're paying the price! Half of everything we worked so hard to do has gone to s**t!". I don't believe Kerry will get the Marine vote! If the new guys survive his rhetoric. Everyone over there will sure feel better when November comes! BTW, there was a huge absentee vote before the new guys went over. Enough politics but I thought y'all should know what the real story about the "quagmire" is and who is getting our boys killed again. Leopard never changes his spots! (In case you didn't notice, I'm really pissed at the crap spewed out this week and so is my son who had to pay a price for it!)

From Grim's Hall

It seems that Kerry's talk about how badly things are going in Iraq and we need to get out has encouraged our enemies. They figure a few more Americans beheaded and we'll withdraw and leave Iraq to them.

Posted by Ted at September 27, 2004 1:57 PM