October 24, 2004

New Blog Name - Vorlon Whispers

I have decided to change the name of this journal. I never really like the name “Ted’s Blog.” It was so unimaginative. I don’t know if I’m really in love with the new name, “Vorlon Whispers,” but I’ll try it for a while.

There will be no change of content, you’ll still get whatever nutty or consequential things I feel like posting.

If you think you have a better name, I’m open to suggestions. I can’t offer money or prizes or anything, but I will give you recognition – for whatever that’s worth.

If you’re wondering where I got the name Vorlon Whispers, I’ll give you a hint. I’m a bit of a science fiction fan. I’ll just leave it there and see if you can figure out where I got the name.

Posted by Ted at October 24, 2004 1:53 PM