June 5, 2005

Does the "Do Not Call List" make economic sense

There was a short discussion on how to telephone prospect with the “Do Not Call” list laws now on the books. The “Do Not Call” list makes it harder on salespeople and probably reduces their incomes.

I was pondering these parameters and I wondered, what is the economic impact of the “Do Not Call” list? The “Do Not Call” list came of age in 2002. At that time, the economy was in the doldrums.

In passing the “Do Not Call” registry congress went against the economic interests of the country. It is conceivable that the “Do Not Call” registry prolonged the economic downturn.

I wonder of those in favor of the “Do Not Call” registry realized they were forcing people out of their jobs.

Posted by Ted at June 5, 2005 10:31 AM