June 13, 2005

My Secret's Out

I had my High Probability Selling class today and the instructor mentioned my blog, Vorlon Whisper – although not by name. Apparently, they stumbled across my blog. In fact, if you enter “high probability selling” into Google, a Vorlon Whispers entry comes up on the second page.

Tonight I received an email from one of my classmates asking for a link to my blog. Joe, if you’re reading this, Hi!

Today we again reviewed doing the Trust and Respect Inquiry. Our assignment is to do at least two with who ever we can corral. The class exchanged phone numbers so we could practice on each other. There not a lot of time for this to take place as the next class is on Wednesday.

A couple of months ago I also took a distance learning 90-minute course on fear. As part of the course they sent everyone in the course a recording of what transpired. I’ve been listening to them and I find them thought provoking.

Posted by Ted at June 13, 2005 9:03 PM