August 12, 2005

What Weapons are We in the Process of Creating?

The Belmont Club, always worth your time to read, brings a troubling thought to mind.

He talks about how hard the U.S. military is working to defeat the IED. He talks about X-Ray backscatter technology that can actually look right through cars and see what weapons are hidden inside. However, he goes on to worry about the consequences of such a race for weapons to defeat our enemies.

The principal problem following the Second World War was how men could coexist with their own creations. Not until a half century from Hiroshima was there was some sense of coming to grips with the monumental forces unleashed in 1945. And then came September 11. Osama Bin Laden and Zaraqawi may feel that they have nothing to fear from X-ray backscatter technology. Perhaps not; but it is what comes after, and after, and after that will be truly terrifying.
Posted by The Vorlon at August 12, 2005 9:22 PM