November 3, 2005

Grossing Out the Vorlon Wife

Every once in a while it is fun to mess with the Vorlon Wife. As she was sitting next to me, I said “Hold out your hand.” She extended her hand palm up. I reached on the top of my head, took a good sized pinch of hair, pulled it out and deposited into her hand.

Her response was, “Ewww! Don’t do that!”

Hey, you have to find fun where you can get it.

Posted by The Vorlon at November 3, 2005 6:41 PM

Most everyone knows of some one who loss their hair through chemo. I was talking with a lady only a few days ago whom I had not seen in several years and commented how well I thought she looked. She admitted to wearing a wig because she knew her hair would fall out when she started taking chemo. So she had her head shaved and bought a beautiful hair piece.
She wanted to get a heads up on that.

Posted by: Mother and Dad at November 3, 2005 8:28 PM

I loved that entry. I can see the look on The Vorlon Wife's face now!

Posted by: Reb Orrell at November 4, 2005 9:55 AM