December 6, 2005

A Little Snow this Morning

It looks like we got three to four inches of snow last night. The temperature was such, however, that the streets only wound up with one to two inches. Driving should be good.

I’m slowly improving. I went for my two-mile walk this morning and maybe increased the pace a tiny bit. I’m still not sleeping all that well. When I go to bed, I fall asleep almost immediately. Then I wake up a couple of hours later and wake up and sleep the rest of the night. Last night I experienced some continuous back pain. I took 600 mg of Ibuprofen and seemed to sleep better after that.

I still have some residual pain from the Neulasta, but it is getting less and less everyday.

Posted by The Vorlon at December 6, 2005 6:57 AM

Are you finished with the chemo treatments or are there more?

Posted by: Reb Orrell at December 6, 2005 12:21 PM

Last week was my third treatment. Next week I get a CAT scan and then I go through another three treatment cycle and then anther CAT scan. Currently I don't know the full length of the total treatment.

Posted by: Ted at December 6, 2005 2:24 PM