January 13, 2006

The Party's Over

I have only been watching the Alito hearings peripherally. I have neither the time nor patience to sit through the proceedings. But I have made a couple of conclusions.

Alito will be confirmed. The Democrats could not stop him.

The Democrats have become ineffectual. I don’t know if they gave their best shot in trying to stop him or not. If this was their best shot, they’re in serious trouble.

I don’t know if Alito made them look like idiots or they did it to themselves. I’m starting to be inclined to think they did it to themselves.

I find it hard to believe the Democratic senators are that stupid. The only other conclusion I can make is they knew they didn’t have a chance of stopping Alito. Given that, they simply used a strategy and tactics that would play well with their base. Since they knew they would loose this battle, they’re only hope was to show their base just how tough they were.

I’m not sure they succeeded at even this low level.

The good news for the VRWC (Vast Right Wing Conspiracy) is what was previously a 5 to 4 court is shortly to become a 6 to 3 court.

Posted by The Vorlon at January 13, 2006 7:18 PM