January 14, 2006

Questions to Ask Alito

Pro Life debater Scott Klusendorf comes up with five questions to ask Alito. I think they're rather interesting questions.

1) Where do basic human rights come from? Do they come only from government or are they rooted in something that transcends government?

2) What is man? Is human nature fixed or does raw political power determine who is and is not a member of the human family?

3) What is law? Is it merely the construct of jurists and lawmakers or is it based on first principles of morals and justice?

4) What is the role of the judiciary? Should it restrain itself to interpreting law or should it legislate from the bench?

5) What are the ground rules? Should the judiciary share power equally with the other two branches of government (the legislative and executive) or should its powers transcend them? That is, should the courts be free to co-opt any issue of moral importance from elected officials, thus leaving the people no voice?

Posted by The Vorlon at January 14, 2006 4:40 PM