February 1, 2006

Chemo Blogging III

I’m home from the Chemo Treatment. It was a longer day that usual. Also, when I came home, my internet was down. I shut everything down and waited a couple of minutes. Then I booted the cable modem, booted the router, and then booted the PC. That cured the problem.

I feeling rather wiped at the moment. My taste buds are starting to go, so I have to eat carefully tonight.

It’ll be four weeks before my next meeting with the oncologist. In that time I will be getting a CT scan and an MRI. He’ll look at the CT scan and decide were we go from there.

I expect to feel quite well tomorrow until after the Neulasta shot. At least that’s been the pattern in the past.

Posted by The Vorlon at February 1, 2006 5:24 PM