December 18, 2006

December 18 Final Update

It seemed like a busy day today. First, I went to the oncology clinic to get my Neupogen shot, then to the hospital for another unit of red cells. Then I came home for a brief throw-up sessions (dry heaves). After that, I had lunch and off to the radiology lab for a CT scan and an MRI.

I don’t know why I’m throwing up so much these days. I’ve learned to have a small plastic container nearby at all time as the nausea comes on like a lightning bolt out of the blue. I’ve found that when you feel nauseas, actually throwing up brings a certain amount of relief. Once the nausea is past, I’m good to go again.

Now I’m off to bed.

Posted by The Vorlon at December 18, 2006 8:19 PM

You've had a busy day all right or I should say very busy day today. We pray for good CT scan report.

Posted by: Mother & Dad at December 18, 2006 8:48 PM