August 25, 2007

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I didn’t have time to blog last night. I cut the hedge when I got home. The temp. was in the 80’s and sweat just poured down my face. It’s going to be hotter today. I will be going to look at a house in PA. I feel that Ted would think I was moving backwards instead of forward. I just feel like I’m in limbo. I need to be near my family but yet; I have no job over there. I have contacts for jobs here and have been offered a couple jobs but I have no one here and I can’t stand being by myself.

I see so much that has to be done to get ready to move and I think of how I’ll have to keep the place clutter free. No hanging my clothes over the rowing machine. I put my jeans and t-shirt there so they are handy I when I take Danny out in the middle of the night or the early morning. I took my winter clothes to my brothers but may need my blazers soon. Last week, I could have used my brown wool blazer; it is lightweight wool and can be worn in summer as well as winter. I hope I remember to pick it up when I’m over there.

I looked in the supply closet at work yesterday and saw a hammer. I thought, “Speaking of hammers” and called my friend, Faith Hammer. She wasn’t home so I left a message. She left a message on my machine and called me later in the evening when I was getting ready to call her. It was good to talk to her. She and Jack went to the Nazarene Church when we went there. The four of us or sometimes there wee six of us would go out to dinner or get together for a game of Mexican Train. (Dominoes).

There are not many people who live locally who I can call from the hospital. I don’t like to make long distance calls from there. They have given me access codes to a lot of things telephones, computers and so forth) and I don’t want to take advantage of it.

I’ll keep firing out my resume and hopefully something will come up. I can transfer to the Philadelphia Manpower office but I don’t want to work in Phila. Been there, done that. The traffic and the city wage tax are horrendous.

I hope this week will be the end of the 7am shift. I don’t know whether they will have another position for me or not. I’ll have to look at the job listing on Monday and see if I can fill in anywhere. They had an opening in A/P.

Well, I better send out some more resumes.

News from the Vorlon wife.

Posted by tedkarol at August 25, 2007 6:59 AM