July 1, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another Pit bull! I just took Danny out for his evening walk and a young man was walking his pit bull. Danny barked at it and the man took his dog to sit. It was on a leash and across the street but I turned Danny around and we went another way. At the Chesapeake Estates, they only allow little dogs. There is a problem there, though and that is ticks. I pulled another dead tick out of Danny’s fur tonight. It looked too big for a deer tick and too small for a dog tick. Just the same, ticks gross me out.

I went over the bills and sent out what needed to be sent. I trimmed the hedge after it dried off a bit. I was tired out afterward and it was hot and sticky by noon. I walked Danny and talked to a neighbor. We talked about the flowers and plants. She has some nice ones, too. I just met her a few weeks ago. She has lived here for five years. She came to be near her daughter and then her daughter lost her home and had to move in with her in-laws. She lives further away and she doesn’t get to see her. She is sad that she just met me and I’m moving away.

After lunch, I became a couch potato and feel asleep. The mimosas are blooming and I am allergic to them. I wake up feeling sick. I had the windows open to let in the cool air.

After dinner, I gave Danny his bath. He is funny, he hates getting a bath but he comes when I call him and even jumps up on the side of the tub. What a disappointed dog he looks when I put him in the water. He does, however, look happy when I dry him off. He plays with the towels and likes being dried. He has been playing with his toy bone ever since. His bath gives him a burst of energy.

I’m going to have to cut the grass in the morning. I was just too tired to do both today. I was too tired to go to Toastmaster’s. I had signed up but it’s just too much driving.

News from the Vorlon Wife.

Posted by tedkarol at July 1, 2009 8:55 PM