April 15, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Yesterday, I took a branch to the wood pile out back and a big brown/black snake had been sunning itself on the wood pile. I didn't see how big it was, I only saw part of it slithering away. EW!. I'm glad I moved the pile last week when it was still cold and the snakes were hibernating.

I did some more weeding and mulching on the west side flower garden. I still have a lot to do. The other side of the walk on the west side needs to be done as well as the two sides of the driveway. Out front along the fence needs to be done on both sides. That's what needs to be weeded. They also need mulching. The east side along the walk needs mulching and along the back yard where I yanked out all the weeds and vines needs mulching. I did put some around the little trees and azaleas but if I put flowers back there, they will need the mulch because it gets so dry there. I guess all the trees suck up the moisture.

I called my Aunt Jean, my brother told me she moved into an assisted living home. She had been so disparately lonely in her apartment. She never saw anyone during the day and night. I understand that. I do have friends and activities but I have to come home to an empty house and eat by myself. Sparky helps but it still is lonely. My Aunt had a mini stroke a few years ago that affected her memory a little. She told the assisted living place and now they are treating her as if she had dementia or alzhimers. They stopped her from driving her car and ran after her when she went out to look at the flowers. They had her sit with a lady who was sitting by herself and it was OK at first but the lady uses fowl language so my aunt sat with some other ladies. The server told her she had to sit with the lady she was assigned to. When my aunt refused, he took her dishes away and didn't serve her any dinner. I'm going to have to tell her daughter to look into it. Her daughter works for a large legal firm in Philadelphia.

It looks like rain today. I hope I can get the rest of the lime on the lawn before it starts. There is no wind this morning so I'd better get to it.

News from the Vorlon Wife.

Posted by tedkarol at April 15, 2013 7:07 AM
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