May 16, 2005

Newsweek's in the thick of it

Newsweek seems to have been caught printing news before they were completely sure it was true. The wrote that U.S. military personnel flushed a Qur’an down a toilet at Guantánamo in Cuba.

It now seems the report was untrue. Further, thanks to Newsweek’s timely work, 15 people have died. American prestige in the Muslim world has been greatly reduced and more deaths, some American service men and women, could happen.

I don’t understand Newsweek’s motivation. Even if they new it was true, why print the story? Are these smart people so clueless that can’t foreseen what might happen?

Are these the same people that rail against bloggers (no fact checking) and talk show hosts?

They have blood on their hands and nothing they can do will wash it out. Like Lady Macbeth before them, not all the washing in the world will clear their hands of this blood.

I can make only one conclusion, they want the U.S. to fail in Afghanistan and Iraq. The editors of Newsweek can never be accused of being pro American nor can one accuse them of being patriotic. They will do whatever they can to hurt this country.

As the man said, they are not the opposition; they are on the other side.

If I could talk to them directly, I think I know what I’d say. I’d tell them, “What you did was wrong. It hurt our military, it hurt our country and people are now dead because of your actions. You can argue all you want about your culpability, but this fact is clear. Had you not reported what you did, people now dead would still be alive.

I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and presume that somewhere in that miserable brain of yours there is a conscience. When you lay down tonight to sleep, you’re going to recall what you did. You’re going to realize that what you did was wrong and you are responsible for 15 deaths. You will also know you’ve rung bells that cannot be unrung.”

Posted by Ted at May 16, 2005 7:53 PM