May 17, 2005

Retaking the High Probability Selling course

I’m retaking my High Probability Selling course. They let you repeat the course for one-half the original price.

You may wonder why I’m repeating the course. Well, it didn’t take the first time. I thought I might post some notes from the course as I go through it.

In my class there are a couple of insurance agents, a couple of financial advisors, a real estate agent, and a couple of people selling something called docStar.

The instructor typified the market strata as follows

Don’t need, don’t’ want
Need, don’t want, can’t afford
Need, want, can’t afford
Need don’t want
Need, don’t want, may want later
Need, want, may buy later
Need, want, will buy now

A High Probability salesperson tries to only deal with prospects in the last category. The HP salesperson does not try to convert anyone to a HP prospect. The job of an HP salesperson is to sort through prospects as quickly as possible to find those HP prospects. Sort of like going through a deck of cards looking for just the Aces.

The instructor said there are two poison words: interest and interested. Even worse are prospects that are very interested.

The course is twice a week for six weeks. Retaking the course reminds me of a quote from a manager, “The beatings will continue until morale improves.”

Posted by Ted at May 17, 2005 8:56 PM